Obveščamo vas, da je po pregledu prijav, ki so bile oddane v roku, ostalo še nekaj mest za udeležbo na Biološko-psihološki študentski konferenci.
Zato so je odprl še 2. krog za prijave, ki bo odprt do 15. maja 2022.
Hkrati želimo izpostaviti naslednje:
Ob prijavi je potrebno oddati le povzetek (in soglasje soavtorjev, če ti obstajajo), ne pa celih nalog ali posterjev.
Prijaviti se je možno tudi s preliminarnimi rezultati oziroma podatki raziskave, ki je še v teku.
Svoje delo je možno predstavljati v obliki ustne predstavitve ali posterja.
Prijavite se lahko tudi kot pasivni udeleženci.
Status študenta ni pogoj za prijavo!
Prijave so možne tukaj.
We would like to inform you that after reviewing the applications submitted within the deadline, there are still a few places left to attend our conference.
Therefore, the 2nd round for applications has been opened, and will be open until 15 May 2022.
At the same time, we would like to highlight the following:
At the application, only the abstract (and the consent of the co-authors, if any) need to be submitted, not the entire assignments or posters.
It is also possible to apply with preliminary results or data from the research that is still ongoing.
Your work can be presented in the form of an oral presentation or a poster.
It is also possible to register as passive participants.
Student status is not required to register!
Registration is possible at this link.