V ponedeljek, 22. julija 2024, bosta ob 16.00 uri izvedeni dve
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.
ČAS/PROSTOR: 22. julij 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.
1. predavanje:
Karolina Trajkovska is a second-year Computer Science master’s student at UP FAMNIT and a member of the HICUP Lab.
NASLOV: Addressing Name and Face Recall Cognitive Failure Using Visualisation-Based Mnemonics
This research addresses the everyday cognitive failure of recalling names and faces by leveraging visualisation-based mnemonics. Despite the advancement in technology, enhancing human cognitive performance remains challenging, especially in everyday tasks like remembering names. Current research lacks a strategy-based digital training system to improve semantic memory for face-name associations. We take the first step towards developing such a system by creating a prototype to evaluate the visualisation-based link mnemonic method that could be used by the training system. This prototype augments faces in videos with keywords and visualisations, aiming to enhance face-name recall. We present the prototype and propose a research method to evaluate different modes of the system, focusing on the impact of animated visualisations on recall effectiveness and mental effort.
2. predavanje:
Milan Milivojčević is a second-year Computer Science master’s student at UP FAMNIT. He previously obtained a Computer Science bachelor’s degree at UP FAMNIT.
NASLOV: A multi-echelon vehicle routing problem for waste wood collection and processing
Wood waste from construction and demolition sites or industrial processing can be recovered and transformed into valuable products. However, since this waste comes from various sources, it requires certain pre-processing steps before actual remanufacturing. The first step is the collection and transport of the waste from collection points, construction sites and industrial facilities to the processing facilities. Once there, the material has to undergo pre-processing steps (sorting, cleaning/decontamination) before it can be manufactured into a new product. Finally, the finished products are transported to their final destination, such as customers.
This presentation focuses on the problem of optimizing collection and transport of wood waste to pre-processing and processing facilities, as well as the distribution of final products to customers. The above optimization question will be modelled as a vehicle routing problem (VRP) with multiple echelons.
Seminarja bosta potekala v angleškem jeziku prek Zoom-a ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi: