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častne doktorice Univerze na Primorskem,
prof. dr. Cheryl E. Praeger (University of Western Australia)
z naslovom
Breaking down barriers in Mathematics,
ki bo v petek, 16. marca 2018, ob 10.00 v
Veliki predavalnici UP FAMNIT (Glagoljaška 8, Koper).
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.
Cheryl Elisabeth Praeger is an Australian mathematician, a member of the Order of Australia and a member of Australian Academy of Science. Praeger received BSc and MSc degrees from the University of Queensland, and doctorate from the University of Oxford in 1973 under direction of Peter M. Neumann. She has published widely and has advised more than 20 PhD students. She is a professor of mathematics at the University of Western Australia, best known for her works in group theory, algebraic graph theory and combinatorial designs. Her selection as an “ISI highly cited researcher” places her among the very top mathematicians world-wide.
About the lecture:
“Mathematics is all around us. It’s behind all the algorithms that make computers work so anything that involves computing and technology needs maths. If you can do maths you are essentially able to invent the future.
When I was a student I was told “there are no jobs for a maths graduate”. Clearly wrong. I’ll tell you a bit of my journey into maths, the kinds of maths I love and use – the mathematics of symmetry – my links with mathematics in Slovenia – how this is a link between mathematics and life – how there is a place in maths for both women and men.“
Foto vir: Australian Mathematical Society Inc. (