Sestanek za študente na temo študijskih izmenjav

Mednarodna pisarna UP FAMNIT za vse študente, ki jih zanima izmenjava, organizira sestanek. Na sestanku bodo predstavljene možnosti izmenjav ter sam postopek prijave in poteka izmenjave. Srečanje bo zaradi različnih urnikov študentov organizirano v dveh terminih. Vse zainteresirane študente vabimo, da se udeležijo enega izmed sestankov, ki bodo potekali:

  • v torek, 14.11.2017, ob 18.00 uri v FAMNIT – Muzejski 3


  • v četrtek, 16.11.2017, ob 15.00 uri v FAMNIT – Pošta


Meeting for students on the topic of student exchanges

The International Office UP FAMNIT organizes a meeting for students who are interested in an student exchange. At the meeting will be presented the possibilities of exchanges and the procedure for applying. Presentation will be organized in two terms, since students have different schedules. We invite all interested students to attend one of the meetings that will take place:

  • on Tuesday, 14 November 2017, at 18:00 in FAMNIT – Muzejski 3


  • on Thursday, 16 November 2017, at 15:00 in FAMNIT – Pošta