Call for enrolment into postgraduate study programmes in 2017/18 academic year

In 2017/18 Academic Year UP FAMNIT offers the following doctoral (3rd cycle) study programmes: Mathematical Science (available also in English) and Computer Science.

In 2017/18 Academic Year UP FAMNIT offers the following master (2nd cycle) study programmes: Mathematical Science (available also in English), Mathematics with Financial Engineering, Computer Science, Nature Conservation, Biopsychology, Applied Psychology, Sustainable Built Environments*.

*NEW: From 1 October 2017 (academic year 2017/18) the master programme Sustainable Built Environments will be implemented at UP FAMNIT. At the moment the merging process of the Faculty of Built Environment into UP FAMNIT is under way.

From 1 October 2017 (academic year 2017/18) the Master’s and Doctoral study programme Applied Kinesiology will be offered at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences.

More information about the Call for enrolment into postgraduate study programmes in 2017/18 is available here: Postgraduate Call for enrolment

Candidates can apply in two terms:

  • first application term: from 10 April to 1 September 2017,
  • second application term: from 14 to 20 September 2017 (available places will be published on 14 September 2017 on this website).

More information about the application procedure is available here: Enrolment 2017/18

Candidates are invited to check our programme’s presentation and visit us in May 2017 during the Open day! The exact Open day’s date and programme will be published in next days!