Ta teden nas bo obiskal še en tuj strokovnjak. Predavatelj dr. Karlo Hock iz Marine Spatial Ecology Lab, University of Queensland, Australia bo predaval študentom programa Varstvo narave.
V četrtek, 26. 3. 2015 pa bo ob 19ih v MP1 na FAMNIT-u izvedel tudi izredno zanimivo predavanje na temo: Managing crown-of-thorns starfish, a coral-eating predator on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
Vabimo vse študente in zaposlene, da se v čim večjem številu udeležijo predavanja.
Vsebina predavanja:
Crown-of-thorns starfish is a destructive coral-eating predator, and one of the biggest threats to the ecological and economic sustainability of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. By some estimates, periodic population outbreaks of starfish have caused up to 50% of the coral loss in this iconic ecosystem. The issue of controlling starfish populations is all the more pressing as we are currently in the middle of a major epidemic of starfish outbreaks. Studying how ocean currents disperse the starfish larvae among the 4000 individual coral reefs that together make up the Great Barrier Reef could be vital in reducing both present and future impacts from starfish outbreaks. With the help of network models that represent the starfish dispersal patterns, my research aims to explain how and why some local starfish outbreaks end up spreading to other reefs and later become large-scale starfish epidemics. This knowledge will help us choose the best intervention locations for controlling the spread of the outbreaks, and also decide which reefs to monitor to get an early warning about future epidemics.
Njegovo gostovanje omogoča projekt UP IN SVET – mednarodna vpetost Univerze na Primorskem.