Vabilo na predavanji prof. dr. Robina Wilsona

UP FAMNIT vabi na predavanji EULER: 300 YEARS ON in A CENTURY OF GRAPH THEORY prof. dr. Robina Wilsona, zaslužnega profesorja na Open University in predsednika Britanskega društva za zgodovino matematike.

Predavanji bosta potekali v sredo, 11. junija, od 10:00 do 13:00 v Veliki predavalnici na UP FAMNIT.

Povzetek prvega predavanja: EULER: PO 300 LETIH / EULER: 300 YEARS ON

Euler velja za enega najplodnejših matematikov vseh časov. Ampak – kaj natančno je počel? V tem predavanju bo prof. Robin Wilson predstavil Eulerjevo življenje v Baslu, St. Petersburgu in Berlinu, ter izpostavil nekatere njegove znanstvene prispevke na več področjih, ki jih je proučeval – od teoretičnih do uporabnih.

Euler was the most prolific mathematician of all time – but what did he do?  In this talk I survey his life in Basel, St Petersburg and Berlin, and outline some of the contributions he made to the many areas in which he worked – for the very pure to the very applied.


Teorija grafov se je od poznega 19. do konca 20. stoletja povsem spremenila. Iz tako imenovane “rekreacijske matematike” se je razvila v eno izmed glavnih matematičnih teorij. V tem predavanju bo prof. Robin Wilson govoril o razvoju teorije grafov v omenjenem obdobju, tako kronološko kot tudi tematsko.

Graph theory has changed completely from the late-19th century to the late 20th century, from a collection of mainly recreational problems to a well-developed mainstream area of mathematics. In this talk I outline its development over this period, both chronologically and thematically.

O predavatelju:

Prof. dr. Wilson je zaslužni profesor teoretične matematike na Open University, zaslužni profesor za področje Geometrije na Gresham College ter nekdanji profesor na Keble College v Oxfordu. Napisal in uredil je več knjig s področja teorije grafov (“Introduction to Graph Theory” in “Four Colours Suffice”), ter s  področja zgodovine matematike “Lewis Carroll in Numberland”.   Aktivno deluje na področju popularizacije in komunikacije matematike ter njene zgodovine. Je dobitnik nagrade “Mathematical Association of America’s Lester Ford” in nagrade “Pólya prize”. Trenutno je predsednik britanskega združenja za zgodovino matematike.

Robin Wilson is Emeritus Professor of Pure Mathematics at the Open University, Emeritus Professor of Geometry at Gresham College, and a former Fellow of Keble College, Oxford. He has written and edited many books on graph theory, including Introduction to Graph Theory and Four Colours Suffice, and on the history of mathematics, including Lewis Carroll in Numberland. He is actively involved with the popularization and communication of mathematics and its history, and was awarded the Mathematical Association of America’s Lester Ford and Pólya prizes for ‘outstanding expository writing’. He is currently President of the British Society for the History of Mathematics.