Uspešno zaključena mednarodna delavnica

V petek, 18. oktobra 2013 se je uspešno zaključila mednarodna delavnica Joint conference of COST FP0904 and FP1006, Characterization of modified wood in relation to wood bonding and coating performance na Rogli. Srečanje je privabilo številne vodilne znanstvenike s področja kot tudi perspektivne mlade doktorske in podoktorske študente s celega sveta.

Podatki o delavnici:

Naslov / Title

Joint conference of COST FP0904 and FP1006, Characterization of modified wood in relation to wood bonding and coating performance

Trajanje / Duration

16/10/2013 to 18/10/2013

Kraj / Location

Hotel Rogla and Hotel Planja, Rogla, Slovenia

Spletna stran / Web page

# udeležencev / # participants

68 (11 domestic, 57 foreign)

# vabljenih predavateljev / # invited speakers

2 (Frederick A. Kamke, Oregon State University, USA; Scott Renneckar, Virginia Tech, USA)

# referatov / # presentations


Države udeležencev / Countries

27 (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America)

Organizatorji / Organizers

University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

Znanstveni odbor / Scientific committee

Parviz Navi, Stephanie Wieland, Dennis Jones, Lone Ross Gobakken, Mark Hughes, Lennert Salmen, Peer Haller, Gerhard Gruell, Holger Militz, Electra Papadopoulou, Graham Ormondroyd, Jakub Sandak, Sergej Medved, Andreja Kutnar

Organizacijski odbor / Organization committee

Sergej Medved (UL BF), Andreja Kutnar (UP IAM & UP FAMNIT), Michael Burnard (UP IAM & UP FAMNIT)