Raziskovalni matematični seminar

On Monday, October 22, 2012, at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies in Koper, there will be a research mathematical seminar. Seminar starts at 10:00, and it will be organized in the “Seminar room” at Galeb (Kettejeva 1, Koper).

This Monday, we will have two lectures, both will last for approximately 25 minutes.

(10:00-10:25) Vesna Andova (Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Skopje, Macedonia)
Title: Diameter on  fullerene graphs
Abstract: Fullerene graphs are 3-connected planar cubic graphs with all
faces of size 5 or 6.
In the talk I will present a results regarding the diameter of
icosahedral fullerenes and  fullerene graphs in general.  



(10:30-10:55) Riste Škrekovski (FMF and IMFM, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Title: Some results on network centralitiy indicies
Abstract: Centrality is used to quantify an intuitive feeling that in
most networks some vertices are more central than others.
In the talk we consider some graph theoretical results on closeness,
betweenness centrality, and  eccentricity.

All welcome!