Dr. Ksenija da Silva na Open University (UK) predstavila seminar

Dr. Ksenija da Silva, sodelavka UP PINT in UP FAMNIT je 14. decembra 2010 na Open University (UK) predstavila seminar s področja nevropsihološkega raziskovanja in modeliranja vidnih halucinacij pri parkinsonovi bolezni.


Visual Hallucinations in Parkinson’s Disease

Dr Ksenija da Silva, University of Primorska, Slovenia, Ksenija.daSilva@upr.si
Approximately 40% of patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) experience visual hallucinations (VHs). Although dopaminergic medication has generally been seen as the culprit, recent neuropsychological investigations have shown that perceptual, executive and sleep dysfunctions play an important role in the generation of VHs.