Mednarodna konferenca »Ekonomika zdravstva in matematika«, ki jo Inštitut za ekonomska raziskovanja organizira v sodelovanju s Fakulteto za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije, Univerza na Primorskem, bo potekala v Kopru med 2. in 4. majem 2010. Vabilo in program konference ter ostale informacije so dostopne tukaj.
Število udeležencev je omejeno, prijave sprejemamo do 27. aprila 2010.
Nekaj praktičnih informacij glede nastanitev:
(5 minut hoje do FAMNIT-a) | |
(hostel, neposredno pred FAMNIT-om) | |
(15 minut hoje do FAMNIT-a) |
International conference on Applied Health Economics and Mathematics, organized
by the Institute for Economic Research and Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT) – University of Primorska, will take place in Koper, on May 2nd – 4th, 2010. Invitation with the conference programme and other information you will find here.
Number of participants is limited. Registration deadline is 27th April 2010.
Some practical information:
The conference will be held in Koper, at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT). Please check the following links to find some information on the acommodation possibilities:
(5 minutes walk to FAMNIT) | |
(student home, a minute walk to FAMNIT) | |
(15 minutes walk to FAMNIT) |