Seminar MARA

V ponedeljek, 25.1.2010, bo ob 16.00 uri v predavalnici Pošta (računalništvo) Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem, Glagoljaška 8, Koper predavanje v okviru skupnega SEMINARJA ZA MATEMATIČNE IN RAČUNALNIŠKE ZNANOSTI Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP FAMNIT, Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP PINT, Oddelka za matematiko in računalništvo UP PEF ter Oddelkov za matematiko in teoretično računalništvo IMFM.

Predavalnica Pošta ob 16.00

Predavatelj: Jernej Vičič

Naslov: A method to restrict the blow-up of hypotheses of a non-disambiguated shallow machine translation system

The talk presents two automatic methods that reduce the complexity of the ambiguous space introduced by the omission of the part of speech tagger from the architecture of a shallow machine translation system. The methods were implemented in a fully functional translation system for related languages. The language pair chosen for the experiments was Slovenian-Serbian as these languages are highly inflectional with morphologically ambiguous forms. The empirical evaluations show an improvement over the original system.
