Z veseljem vam obveščamo o razpisu za udeležbo na Trieste Next International Academy!
Ta intenzivni program izbranim študentom omogoča sodelovanje na festivalu Trieste Next, ki bo potekal v Trstu od petka, 27. septembra, do nedelje, 29. septembra 2024.
Program letošnjega leta vključuje tematski sklop o umetni inteligenci in robotiki. Dodatni tematski sklopi so na voljo za študente, specializirane za biotehnologijo in medicinske znanosti. Udeleženci lahko izberejo en tematski sklop, ki vključuje specializirana predavanja in seminarje, ter obiske pomembnih raziskovalnih centrov v Trstu.
Poleg specializiranih seminarjev bodo imeli izbrani študenti priložnost aktivno participirati na moderiranih pogovorih z domačimi in mednarodnimi gosti, podrobnosti bodo objavljene na uradni strani dogodka: https://www.triestenext.it/
Izbrani doktorski študenti bodo imeli priložnost predstaviti svoje raziskovalne projekte, po izboru organizacijskega odbora.
Naslednji rok za oddajo prijave je nedelja, 23. junija 2024.
- Dodatni roki bodo sledili glede na razpoložljivost mest (7. julija, 21. julija, 4. avgusta, 18. avgusta, 1. septembra, 15. septembra).
Vsi zainteresirani študenti lepo vabljeni k prijavi!
We are excited to announce the call for applications for the Trieste Next International Academy fellowship!
This intensive programme offers selected students the chance to participate in the Trieste Next Festival, taking place in Trieste from Friday, September 27, to Sunday, September 29, 2024.
This year’s programme includes a thematic section on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Additional thematic sections are available for students specializing in Biotechnologies and Medical Sciences. Participants can choose one thematic section, which includes specialized lectures and seminars, as well as visits to important research centers in Trieste.
Beyond the specialized seminars, selected students will have access to talks with national and international guests, details of which will be announced in the coming weeks on the event’s official page: https://www.triestenext.it/
Selected PhD students will have the opportunity to present their research projects during a poster session, following a selection by our committee.
The next application deadline is Sunday, June 23, 2024.
- Additional deadlines will follow based on availability (July 7, July 21, August 4, August 18, September 1, September 15).
Selected PhD students will have the opportunity to present their research projects during a poster session, following a selection by our committee.
We encourage all interested students to apply for this enriching experience!