The fifth lecture of Famnits‘ excursion into the mathematical universe 2023/24, titled “Discovering Hidden Order in the Chaos” was conducted by Alejandra Ramos Rivera, UP in IMFM. The lecture took place live and via video conference link on Zoom.
Have you ever wondered if there is a method to what appears to be randomness? Join us on a journey into the fascinating world where order is created out of what appears to be chaos. During this talk, the lectuter explored how patterns unexpectedly appear in seemingly unrelated things. From everyday situations to puzzles that baffle mathematicians, they show surprising cases where structure arises naturally. During talk they considered questions such as: how large must the set of numbers, points or objects be in order to find a pattern? Can we always find a highly regular pattern? They looked at some examples and open problems in different areas of mathematics that people are interested in nowadays.
Alejandra Ramos Rivera completed her undergraduate studies in applied mathematics at the Metropolitan Autonomous University in Mexico City (2012) and pursued a master’s degree in mathematical sciences at the Mathematical Institute of UNAM (2014), where she worked in the field of abstract polytopes. She obtained her PhD in mathematics in 2019 at the Andrej Marušič Institute of the University of Primorska. She is currently employed at the University of Primorska and at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics in Ljubljana. Her research interest lies in the application of algebraic tools for studying symmetry in discrete objects and related areas.