he University of Primorska, in cooperation with the University of Trieste, is organizing a T4EU Week (Transfor4Europe Week: Beyond Borders), from 20 to 24 May 2024. The main goal of the event is networking, exchange of views, experiences, knowledge and cooperation between students and staff from all 11 partner universities.
The first part of the T4EU Week program will take place in Trieste from 19 to 22 May and will then move to Koper, UP, from Wednesday 22 to 24 May. Bringing together the two border universities that are members of the T4EU alliance in a joint week-long program will offer a diverse range of events that will take place every day from morning to late evening.
The program is divided into streams, which address the importance of entrepreneurial skills and environmental, digital and social change. It is tailored to students at all levels as well as researchers and other staff. Lectures for T4EU higher education students follow a hybrid BIP (Blended Intensive Program) scheme that includes some online and 20 face-to-face classroom hours. Participants have the opportunity to earn 3 ICT after the lectures.
Events open to the general public include: Open Science, Fair Data and Creative Commons (22 May, 14.30-17.00 | ZOOM or live UP Brolo B7) and Bridging Communities: Dialogue and Action for Inclusive Futures (23 May, 14.00-16.00 | ZOOM | UP FM P1). You are invited to join them, live or online.
You can find out more about the programme HERE.
UP invites you to get to know the background of the T4EU Week and JOIN US as a volunteer at the event
We need help for the events that will take place between Wednesday 22 and Friday 24 May 2024 in Koper / in different UP faculties, namely:
- sports and social activities (see direct programme – link below)
- preparation of the venue for the event (especially on Wednesday (Socerb – 11:30 – 13:30) ) and Friday (Muzejski trg – 16:00 – 18:00)
- accompanying the groups to the locations (Wednesday to the ŠOUP (13.30-15.00)) / Thursday to the DŠD Koper for lunch (13.00-14.00)
- registration of participants on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning
- other as needed
Direct link to the T4EU Week programme in Canva: https://rb.gy/7dhoui
Warmly welcome!