Kdaj? 29. 5. 2024 od 12.00 do 15.00
Kje? UP FAMNIT, Glagoljaška 8, Koper (VP3 predavalnica)
Prijave: TUKAJ. Rok prijav – 25. 5. 2024.
Vabljeni na strokovni posvet s plenarnim predavanjem in okroglo mizo, kjer bomo skupaj z priznanimi strokovnjaki spoznavali ključne vidike kibernetske varnosti, vključno z razumevanjem kibernetskih napadov in prepoznavanjem prevar. Na okrogli mizi bomo razpravljali tudi o kritični in varni uporabi informacijske tehnologije pri delu, v prostem času in pri komuniciranju, strokovnjaki pa nam bodo predstavili primere preprostih pristopov h kibernetski samozaščiti. Vabljeni!
Sodelujoči na okrogli mizi:
– dr. Janez Mekinc, moderator
– dr. Blaž Markelj, predstojnik katedre za kibernetsko varnost na FVV,
– Aljoša Špeh, vodja oddelka za preiskovanje računalniške kriminalitete na Policijski upravi Koper,
– Boštjan Špehonja, etični heker,
– Boris Turk, Mastercard.
When? 29th May 2024 from 12 to 15 pm
Where? UP FAMNIT, Glagoljaška 8, Koper (VP3 lecture room)
Applications: HERE. Application deadline – 25th May 2024.
More: HERE!
You are invited to an expert consultation with a plenary lecture and a round table, where, together with recognized experts, we will learn about key aspects of cybersecurity, including understanding cyberattacks and identifying fraud. At the round table, we will also discuss the critical and safe use of information technology at work, in free time, and in communication. Experts will present examples of simple approaches to cyber self-protection. Welcome!
Round table participants:
- Janez Mekinc, PhD, Moderator
- Blaž Markelj, PhD, Head of the Cybersecurity Department at FVV
- Aljoša Špeh, Head of the Computer Crime Investigation Department at the Koper Police Administration
- Boštjan Špehonja, Ethical Hacker
- Boris Turk, Mastercard