Pridružite se programu Obzorje Evropa (Horizon Europe) pri oblikovanju etičnih, digitalnih in industrijskih tehnoloških inovacij.
- Zaplujte na potovanje inovacij z odprtim razpisom INDUSAC za študente in raziskovalce. Potopite se v kratkoročna raziskovalna sodelovanja, ki trajajo od 4 do 8 tednov, ki povezujejo akademijo in industrijo ter se spopadajo z izzivi realnega sveta.
- Cilj razpisa? 300 plodnih sodelovanj med industrijo in znanostjo.
- Rok prijave (oddaje motivacijske pisma):
Pogoji prijave za študente:
- Študentski status za celoten čas trajanja dejavnosti, od ustanovitve ekipe za sooblikovanje do enega meseca po potrditvi končnega poročila ekipe.
- Posamezni študent lahko sodeluje v več ekipah, vendar je omejen na največ tri motivacijska pisma.
Pogoji prijave za raziskovalce:
- Raziskovalci morajo biti zaposleni na javni raziskovalni organizaciji ves čas trajanja dejavnosti, od ustanovitve ekipe za sooblikovanje do en mesec po potrditvi končnega poročila ekipe.
- Posamezni raziskovalec lahko sodeluje v več ekipah vendar je omejen na največ tri motivacijska pisma.
Pogoji za sodelovanje ekip:
- Najmanj tri in največ šest članov.
- Člani ekipe morajo izvirati iz vsaj treh različnih držav članic EU ali povezanih držav.
- Spolno ravnovesje znotraj ekipe za sooblikovanje je obvezno, kar zahteva izbiro vsaj dveh različnih možnosti za spol (Moški, Ženska, Raje ne bi izbral).
- Vsaka ekipa za sooblikovanje mora vključevati vsaj enega študenta; zato nobena ekipa ne sme sestavljati izključno iz raziskovalcev.
Vse dodatne informacije o razpisu, postopku prijave in podporna dokumentacija so na voljo tu:
Join the Horizon Europe Framework Programme in Shaping Ethical Digital and Industrial Technologies.
- Embark on a journey of innovation with INDUSAC‘s open call for students and researchers. Dive into short-term research collaborations, lasting 4 to 8 weeks, bridging academia and industry to tackle real-world challenges.
- Open Call aim? 300 fruitful collaborations between industry and academia.
- Application Deadline (for Motivation Letters):
Eligibility Criteria for Students:
- Students are required to be enrolled in public universities throughout the entire duration of the activity, starting from the establishment of the co-creation team until one month following the confirmation of the team’s final report.
- An individual student may participate in multiple co-creation teams but is limited to a maximum of three Motivation Letters.
Eligibility Criteria for Researchers:
- Researchers must hold employment at a public research organization for the entire duration of the activity, spanning from the establishment of the co-creation team until one month after the confirmation of the team’s final report.
- An individual researcher may engage in multiple co-creation teams but is restricted to a maximum of three Motivation Letters.
Eligibility of Co-creation Teams:
- Co-creation teams must comprise a minimum of three and a maximum of six members.
- Team members must originate from at least three different EU Member States or Associated Countries.
- Gender balance within the co-creation team is mandatory, requiring the selection of at least two different gender options (Male, Female, Would rather not say).
- Each co-creation team must incorporate at least one student; thus, no team may consist exclusively of researchers.
For application details and support documentation, visit