When? 17 May – 19 May 2024
Where? Rakov Škocjan area
Registration: HERE. Deadline: 7 May 2024.
More: HERE
We invite you to join us for the first ALUMNI BIOLOGICAL CAMP and co-create with us!
The main objectives of the event are networking and a place for reunion, making memories, strengthening existing ties and weaving new friendships.
As as graduates, have been connected across generations by field-related events, the event will be organise as a relaxed field weekend, in the form of a mini biocamp. This will offer 5 thematic groups that you can join:
- Amphibians,
- Butterflies,
- Pollinators,
- Reptiles and
- Birds.
Groups will be led by experienced mentors in each field. The fieldwork will be followed by a picnic evening, and the event will conclude with a hike on Sunday. It is also possible to attend part of the camp (more information in the registration form).
Participation is free!
The applications are accepting until 7 May 2024 or until capacity is reached (up to 50 participants). To secure a place in your preferred group, please apply as soon as possible, as they will distribute participants evenly between groups until places in each group are filled. Depending on the preferences expressed, priority will be given to the quicker ones!
- Friday, 17 May 2024
A social evening. Arrival possible in the evening (expected from 18.00). Dinner and accommodation will be provided.
- Saturday, 18 May 2024
From the morning until 17.00, there will be a field trip in groups. The purpose of the fieldwork is to renew or exchange knowledge and to socialise. At 5pm we will continue with a picnic and evening socialising. Meals and accommodation will be provided.
- Sunday, 19 May 2024
Group hike up one of the surrounding hills, finishing at lunchtime. Field snack provided.
For further information on the course and content of the camp, please contact us at:
The project is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The project is implemented in accordance with the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) under the development area Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, component Strengthening competencies, in particular digital competencies and those required by the new professions and the green transition (C3 K5), for the investment measure Investment F. Implementation of pilot projects, the results of which will serve as a basis for the preparation of a roadmap for the reform of higher education for a green and resilient transition to a Society 5.0: project Pilot Projects for the Reform of Higher Education for a Green and Resilient Transition.