ELTE Poletna matematična šola / 17.06.2024 –21.06.2024 // ELTE Summer School in Mathematics 2024 / 17.06.2024–21.06.2024

Inštitut za matematiko Univerz Eötvös Loránd (ELTE) prijazno vabi vse zainteresirane študente k prijavi na enotedensko poletno šolo matematike na temo “Optimalni transport: diskretni in kontinuirani”.

  • Poletna šolabo ponudila celovit uvid v to fascinantno raziskovalno področje optimalnega transporta. Sklop predavanj bo dopolnjen z delavnicami reševanja problemov.
  • Mini tečaji so namenjeni dodiplomskim/začetnim podiplomskim študentom, dobrodošli pa so tudi zainteresirani doktorski študentje.
  • Sodelujoči predavatelji so profesorji z Univerze Eötvösa Loránda (ELTE) v Budimpešti, Inštituta za matematiko Alfréda Rényija v Budimpešti in Hausdorffovega centra v Bonnu, Nemčija.
  • Predavanja bodo potekala na kampusu Lágymányos Univerze Eötvösa Loránda (1117 Budimpešta, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, Madžarska).


  • Budimpešta, glavno mesto Madžarske, t. i. biser Donave, ponuja bogato kulturno izkušnjo za obiskovalce. Če iščete živahno kulturno življenje v evropskem metropolitanskem mestu, je Budimpešta popolna izbira.

Stroški udeležbe in roki za prijavo

  • Udeležnina na poletni šoli znaša 120 evrov (135 USD), če je plačana do 20. maja, in 170 evrov (190 USD) po tem datumu. Udeležnina krije tiskane učne materiale in osvežitve.
  • Univerza ne more vrniti stroška udeležnine v primeru odpovedi.
  • Rok za prijavo za finančno podporo je 30. april 2024.

  • Registracija (in plačilo udeležnine) je odprta od 1. februarja 2024 do  7. junija 2024.

Finančna podpora

  • Udeležencem je namenjena omejena finančna podpora v obliki štipendij ali oprostitve plačila udeležnine. Podpora je omogočena s prispevki organizacijskih institucij, Univerze Eötvösa Loránd in Inštituta za matematiko Alfréda Rényija.
  • Če želite zaprositi za podporo, pošljite spročilo organizatorjem pred 30. aprilom 2024, ki vsebuje kratek življenjepis, vključno z motivacijo za udeležbo, ter priporočilno pismo.
  • Odločitev na podlagi akademske odličnosti in finančnih okoliščin bo sprejeta s strani organizatorjev pred 10. majem 2024.

Dodatne informacije


The Institute of Mathematics at Eötvös Loránd University has announced its annual one-week summer school in mathematics under the theme “Optimal Transport: Discrete and Continuous”. The application period is now open thus all interested students are cordially invited to apply!

  • The summer school aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to this fascinating field. Lecture series will be complemented by problem-solving sessions for students interested in the subject.
  • The mini-courses will target advanced undergraduate/starting graduate students, although interested Ph.D. students are also welcome. We anticipate that participants will have a solid background in basic undergraduate mathematics, but we do not assume preliminary acquaintance with the special topics of the school.
  • The lecturers comprise professors from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics in Budapest, and the Hausdorff Center in Bonn, Germany.
  • The lectures will be conducted at the Lágymányos Campus of Eötvös Loránd University (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, Hungary).


  • Budapest, the capital of Hungary, also known as The Pearl of the Danube, offers a rich cultural experience for visitors. If you’re seeking a vibrant cultural life in a European metropolitan city, Budapest is the perfect choice.

Cost and Deadlines

  • The participation fee for the Summer School is 120 euros (135 USD) if paid by May 20, and 170 euros (190 USD) thereafter. The fee covers printed course materials and refreshments.
  • Please note that the university cannot refund the registration fee in the event of cancellation.
  • The deadline for application for financial support is April 30, 2024.

  • Registration (and payment of the fee) begins on February 1, 2024, and closes on June 7, 2024, with the possibility of paying the higher fee during the event. See payment information below.
  • Final Deadline for registration is June 7, 2024.

Financial Support

  • Limited financial support in the form of scholarships or waivers of the registration fee will be available for participants. The support was made possible by the donations of the organizing institutions, Eötvös Loránd University and the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics.
  • If you wish to apply for support, please send a letter to the organizers before April 30, 2024, containing a short CV, including study data and motivation, and a recommendation letter. A decision based on academic excellence and financial circumstances will be made by the organizers before May 10, 2024. Due to limited resources, we encourage everyone to apply for external funding as well.

Further Information