Mesto mladega raziskovalca na področju algebre – Univerza v Novi Gorici // Public call to tender for a young researchers in the field of algebra – University of Nova Gorica

Univerza v Novi Gorici je objavila razpis za mesto mladega raziskovalca na področju algebre.

Uspešni kandidat bo vpisan na doktorski študijski program Matematične znanosti na UP FAMNIT in zaposlen kot asistent na Centru za informacijske tehnologije in uporabno matematiko na Univerzi v Novi Gorici.

Mentorica kandidata bo prof. dr. Irina Elena Cristea.

Razpis je objavljen tukaj.

The University of Nova Gorica has announced a public call to tender for a young researchers in the field of algebra.

The successful candidate will be enrolled in the doctoral study program Mathematical Sciences at UP FAMNIT and employed as an assistant at the Centre for Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics at the University of Nova Gorica.

The candidate’s mentor will be Prof. Irina Elena Cristea.

The public call is posted here.

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