Podaljšan rok za prijave: Čezmejna mobilnost za študente: Projekt “Western-BALKANship” // Application deadline extended: Cross-Border Mobility for Students: “Western-Balkanship” Project

Projekt »Western-BALKANship« je pobuda, ki jo financira italijansko ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve in mednarodno sodelovanje (MAECI) prek stalnega sekretariata fundacije Jadransko-jonske pobude (PS AII). To pionirsko prizadevanje odpira vrata študentom univerz UniAdrion organizacije, vključno z Univerzo na Primorskem, da se podajo na transformativno trimesečno izkušnjo čezmejne mobilnosti.

Cilji projekta so naslednji:

  • Krepitev mednarodnega sodelovanja
  • Spodbujanje strukturiranih čezmejnih mobilnosti
  • Ustvarjanje zaposlitvenih možnosti

Ključne podrobnosti

  • Študentska mobilnost traja 3 mesece (90 dni).
  • Upravičeni študenti Univerze na Primorskem imajo priložnost, da se vključijo v čezmejno mobilnost z italijanskimi ali sanmarinskimi podjetji.
  • Upravičeni subjekti za sodelovanje so zasebna podjetja vseh velikosti, socialna podjetja, nevladne organizacije, poslovna združenja, obrtne in poklicne skupine ter sindikati. Med postopkom izbire študentov se lahko upoštevajo tudi druge organizacije.
  • Vsak izbrani študent, ki predstavlja posamezno UniAdrion Univerzo, bo prejel finančno podporo, ki je namenjena kritju študentovih življenjskih stroškov v obdobju mobilnosti. Poleg tega bodo naši izvajalski partnerji zagotovili celovito zavarovalno kritje za civilno odgovornost, nesreče na delovnem mestu in zdravstveno zdravje, kar študentom zagotavlja brezskrbnost med njihovo mobilnostjo.

Obdobje prijave

  • Rok za prijave je odprt do 31. maja 2024.
  • Zainteresirani prijavitelji lahko svojo prijavo oddajo preko elektronske pošte na naslov western-balkanship@aii-ps.org.

Podrobnejše informacije in podpora


We are thrilled to introduce the »Western-BALKANship« project, a groundbreaking initiative funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) through The Permanent Secretariat of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative Foundation (PS AII). This pioneering endeavoropens doors for students from UniAdrion Universities, including University of Primorska, to embark on a transformative three-month cross-border mobility experience.

The “Western Balkanship” project is driven by a multitude of objectives:

  • Strengthening International Cooperation
  • Promoting Structured Cross-Border Mobilities
  • Creating Employment Opportunities

Key Details

  • Cross-border mobilities at the host institution will span a total duration of 3 months (90 days).
  • Eligible students from University of Primorska have the exceptional opportunity to engage in cross-border mobility experience with Italian or San Marino companies.
  • Eligible entities for participation encompass private enterprises of all sizes, social enterprises, NGOs, business associations, crafts and professional groups, and trade unions. Other organizations may be considered during the student selection process.
  • Each selected student, representing one UniAdrion University, will receive financial support from our dedicated implementing partners, Forum AIC and UniAdrion. This support aims to partially cover the student’s living expenses during the mobility period. Additionally, comprehensive insurance coverage for civil liability, workplace accidents, and medical health will be provided through our implementing partners, ensuring the students’ peace of mind throughout their mobility journey.

Application Period

  • The application process for the “Western Balkanship” project will be open until May 31, 2024.
  • Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their applications via email to western-balkanship@aii-ps.org.

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