Aktivacija prošenj v ŠISu / Activation of the requests for courses in SIS


Sprememba izbirnega predmeta, opravljanje obveznosti višjega letnika, opravljanje dodatnih obveznosti

Študente obveščamo, da bodo prošnje pri predmetu aktivne od ponedeljka, 19. 2. 2024, in sicer:

  • Prošnje za zamenjavo izbranega predmeta,
  • Prošnje za opravljanje obveznosti višjega letnika in
  • Prošnje za opravljanje (odstranitev) dodatnih študijskih obveznosti.

Rok za oddajo prošenj je petek, 1. 3. 2024, do 12. ure.

Študent prošnjo izpolni v ŠISu.

POMEMBNO: Obvezna priloga prošnji je soglasje nosilca predmeta, ki ga študent izbira. Študenti naj se predmeta udeležijo takoj po pričetku semestra, da se izognejo zamujanju snovi.

Vse informacije so dosegljive tudi na spletni strani

We would like to inform the students that the requests for courses will be active from Monday, 19th February 2024, as follows:

  • Requests for changing the elective course,
  • Requests for fulfilling obligations from a higher study year, and
  • Requests for additional (removal) of additional study obligations.

The deadline for submitting the requests is Friday, 1st March 2024, until 12:00 (noon).

Students have to fill out the request in ŠIS.

IMPORTANT: A mandatory attachment to the request is the consent of the professor of the course the student wants to take. Students should also attend the course immediately after the beginning of the semester to avoid missing content. All information is also available on the website