V okviru konzorcija COSEC sta UP FAMNIT in UP PEF pridobili dostop do zbirke APA PsycTests

V okviru konzorcija COSEC sta UP FAMNIT in UP PEF pridobili dostop do zbirke APA PsycTests.

PsycTests je zbirka podatkov, ki vsebuje informacije o psiholoških testih in merilih. Služi tudi kot repozitorij psiholoških testov in meril ter je vir strukturiranih informacij o testih, ki so pomembni za psihologe in strokovnjake iz sorodnih področij (npr. psihiatrija, menedžment, poslovanje, izobraževanje, družbene vede, nevroznanost, pravo, medicina, socialno delo).

VSTOPNA TOČKA –  dostop z lokacije UP FAMNIT in UP PEF: https://bit.ly/3NUUn59

VSTOPNA TOČKA– oddaljeni dostop: https://bit.ly/3SbtL28


Within the COSEC consortium, UP FAMNIT and UP PEF gained access to the APA PsycTests collection.

PsycTests is a database of information on psychological tests and measures. It also serves as a repository of psychological tests and measures and is a source of structured test information relevant to psychologists and experts in related fields (e.g. psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, social work).

Entry point – access from  and UP PEF: https://bit.ly/3NUUn59

Entry point – remote access: https://bit.ly/3SbtL28