Začetek novega mandata dekana UP FAMNIT prof. dr. Ademirja Hujdurovića ter prodekanov UP FAMNIT / The beginning of the new term of office of the Dean of UP FAMNIT, Prof. Ademir Hujdurović, and the Vice-Deans of UP FAMNIT

Obveščamo vas, da se z današnjim dnem pričenja novi štiriletni mandat dekana UP FAMNIT prof. dr. Ademirja Hujdurovića.

Dekan je dne 21. 11. 2023, na podlagi soglasja Senata UP FAMNIT, imenoval prodekane, in sicer ostajajo prodekani tudi v novem mandatu:
– prof. dr. Dunja Bandelj kot prodekanja za študijske zadeve,
– prof. dr. Elena Bužan kot prodekanja za kakovost ter
– prof. dr. Marko Orel kot prodekan za znanstveno-raziskovalno delo.

Dekanu in prodekanom čestitamo in želimo uspešno delo tudi v novem mandatu.

We are pleased to inform you that Prof. Ademir Hujdurović has oficially begun his new term of office as the Dean of UP FAMNIT today.

Also, on 21 November 2023 the Senate of UP FAMNIT approved the Dean’s appointment of the current Vice-Deans for the next term of office:
– Prof. Dunja Bandelj as the Vice-Dean for Education,
– Prof. Elena Bužan as the Vice-Dean for Quality Assurance, and
– Prof. Marko Orel as the Vice-Dean for Science and Research.

We send our sincere congratulations to the Dean and Vice-Deans and wish them every success in their new term of office.