*English below
Z veseljem vas obveščamo ter obenem prisrčno vabimo, da se pridružite razburljivim aktivnostim, ki jih organiziramo v sklopu Erasmus dni, med 9. in 14. oktobrom.
Za študente pripravljamo dve interaktivni delavnici o možnostih Erasmus+ mobilnosti za študente, in sicer:
Delavnica I: Erasmus+ praktično usposabljanje
- Datum: ponedeljek, 9. oktober
- Ura: 14:00 – 15:15
- Lokacija: FAMNIT VP3 in preko Zooma
Delavnica II: Erasmus+ študijska izmenjava
- Datum: torek, 10. oktober
- Ura: 12:30 – 14:45
- Lokacija: FAMNIT VP3 in preko Zooma
Delavnici sta namenjeni seznanitvi študentov z možnostmi Erasmus+ mobilnosti, pri čemer bo v ospredju aktiven dialog med študenti, ki so se že udeležili Erasmus+ izmenjav in študenti, ki se za izmenjavo šele zanimajo ali pripravljajo.
QR kode za Zoom dostop do delavnic ter celoten program Erasmus dni so dostopni v spodnjem letaku.
Strokovno osebje, pozor! Pripravljamo tudi nekaj za vas.
- Lepo vabljeni, da se nam pridružite na predstavitvi Erasmus+ mobilnosti osebja z namenom usposabljanja (Staff Mobility for Training), ki bo v četrtek, 12. oktobra, ob 14.30 v UP FAMNIT VP1.
Komaj čakamo, da se skupaj podamo v svet Erasmus+ mobilnosti!
Za vse dodatne informacije ali morebitna vprašanja smo na voljo na international@famnit.upr.si.
We are thrilled to announce and warmly invite you to join the exciting activities we’ve organized for Erasmus Days, taking place from October 9th to October 14th.
Discover the world of Erasmus mobility with two exciting workshops at UP FAMNIT:
Erasmus+ Student Mobility Workshop I: Traineeships
- Date: Monday, October 9
- Time: 14:00 – 15:15
- Location: FAMNIT VP3 and via Zoom
Erasmus+ Student Mobility Workshop II: Studies
- Date: Tuesday, October 10
- Time: 12:30 – 14:45
- Location: FAMNIT VP3 and via Zoom
Can’t make it in person? No problem! These workshops are also accessible virtually through Zoom Meetings.
Our mission is to provide valuable insights into Erasmus mobility opportunities, focusing on practical advice from those who have been there. This is your chance to get answers to all your burning questions about Erasmus mobility.
For QR codes and comprehensive program details, please check out the following flyer:
Attention, Administrative Staff Members! We have something for you too.
- Join us for a Presentation on Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for training on Thursday, October 12, at 14:30 in UP FAMNIT VP1.
We can’t wait to share the excitement of Erasmus mobility programs with you and answer all your queries!
For any further information, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at international@famnit.upr.si.