22. septembra 2023 je bil objavljen Dodatni razpis za sofinanciranje mobilnosti študentov z namenom študija na partnerskih univerzah v okviru programa Erasmus+ KA131, ki je namenjen študiju v tujini in podpira tako fizično/kombinirano dolgoročno moiblnost študentov vseh treh stopenj kot kratkoročno mobilnost doktorandov.
Razpis je namenjen udeležbi z namenom študija v okviru mobilnosti Erasmus+ za 2. semester študijskega leta 2023/24.
- Rok prijave je ponedeljek, 9. oktober 2023.
Prijavo na izmenjavo študentje oddate preko ŠIS-a.
Dodatne informacije o razpisu, prilogah ter postopkih prijave so na voljo na FAMNIT spletni strani in UP spletni strani.
Ne zamudi edinstvene priložnosti za Erasmus+ študentsko mobilnost ter si razširi svoja študijska in življenjska obzorja!
We are pleased to announce that on September 22, 2023, an Additional Call for co-financing student mobility within Erasmus+ KA131 program has been announced. This program is designed to facilitate overseas study experiences and provides support for both extended physical or combined mobility for students at all academic levels, as well as short-term mobility for PhD students.
This call is specifically targeting participation in the Erasmus+ mobility programfor the second semester of the 2023/24 academic year.
- The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, October 9, 2023.
To apply for an exchange opportunity, students should submit their applications using ŠIS.
You can find additional details about the tender, necessary attachments, and the application process on both the FAMNIT website and the UP website.
Seize this unique chance to broaden your academic and life horizons through Erasmus+ student mobility!