Po štirih letih se v Ljubljano vrača Sejem ameriških šol in univerz, ki bo potekal 10. oktobra 2023, od 16h do 18h, na Dunajski 22 (poslovna stavba Slovenijales).
Študentje boste imeli na dogodku priložnost iz prve roke pridobiti točne informacije o možnostih študija in izobraževanja v ZDA, kot tudi stika s predstavniki šol.
Vstop na sejem je brezplačen, obvezna pa je predhodna spletna prijava.
Podrobnejše informacije so dostopne na spletni strani dogodka ter na Facebook strani Education USA Slovenia.
After a hiatus of four years, the eagerly awaited Fair of American Schools and Universities is making a triumphant comeback to Ljubljana.
This exceptional event is scheduled to take place on October 10, 2023, running from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and will be hosted at Dunajska 22, within the premises of the Sloveniales office building.
This is a golden opportunity for students to gain invaluable, firsthand insights into the diverse educational opportunities available in the United States. Attendees will have the chance to engage directly with school representatives, ensuring that they receive accurate and up-to-date information.
Admission to this informative fair is absolutely free, but prospective attendees are kindly requested to complete their online registration in advance.
For more in-depth details and the latest updates, please visit the official event website or keep an eye on the Education USA Slovenia Facebook page.