Webinar: Študij v ZDA – 21.06.2023 // Webinar: Study in USA – 21.06.2023

EducationUSA center Slovenia vabi vse zainteresirane študente, da se pridružijo webinarju, na katerem bo gostja Ani Subotić skozi svojo izkušnjo predstavila možnosti študija v Ameriki.

Skozi pogovor bodo odprte različne teme, med drugim kaj sploh pričakovati od študija, kako največ odnesti od dane izkušnje, kako izbrati izobraževalno institucijo in podobno.  Gostja bo na voljo tudi za vsa vaša vprašanja.

Kdaj? V sredo, 21. 6. 2023, ob 18. uri.

Kje? Spletna platforma Zoom.

Udeležba je brezplačna, potrebna je predhodna registracija.

Ani Subotić je tako dodiplomski kot podiplomski študij zaključila v ZDA na vzhodni obali ZDA, in sicer na univerzi Winthrop v Južni Karolini. Tam je diplomirala iz marketinškega komuniciranja in magistrirala iz svobodnih umetnosti. Med študijem in tudi po študiju je vrsto let delala za univerzo kot rekruterka in skrbela za boljšo prepoznavnost univerze in vzpostavljanje stika s potencialnimi bodočimi študenti. Ani se je nato vrnila v Slovenijo, kjer že skoraj dve leti dela za uspešno mednarodno podjetje. Še vedno pa rada podeli svoje izkušnje iz ZDA, ki so jo oblikovale in ji pomagale do zadovoljujoče kariere.


EducationUSA Center Slovenia invites all interested students to join the webinar, where guest Ani Subotić will present the possibilities of studying in America through her own experience.

Various topics will be discussed during the conversation, including what to expect from studies, how to choose an educational institution, etc. The guest will also be available for all your questions.

When? On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 6 p.m.

Where? Zoom online platform.

Participation is free, only registration is required.

Ani Subotić completed both her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the US on the east coast of the USA, otherwise at Winthrop University in South Carolina. There, she earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing communications and a master’s degree in liberal arts. During her studies and also after her studies, she worked for the university as a recruiter for many years, taking care of better international recognizability of the university and establishing contacts with potential future students. Ani then returned to Slovenia, where she has been working for a successful international company for almost two years. Nevertheless, she still likes to share her experiences in the US, which shaped her and helped her to a satisfying career.