Lista kandidatov za dekana UP FAMNIT / The List of Candidates for the position of the Dean of UP FAMNIT

Obveščamo vas, da je Volilna komisija za izvedbo volitev dekana na 1. redni seji dne 18. 5. 2023 sprejela LISTO KANDIDATOVza volitve dekana UP FAMNIT.

Za dekana sta predlagana dva kandidata, in sicer (kandidata navajamo po abecednem vrstnem redu priimka):
izr. prof. dr. Ademir Hujdurović, ki ga predlagajo trije oddelki UP FAMNIT – Oddelek za matematiko, Oddelek za aplikativno naravoslovje in Oddelek za informacijske znanosti in tehnologije;
doc. dr. Vladimir Ivović, ki ga predlaga Oddelek za biodiverziteto.

Javna predstavitev kandidatov bo potekala med 25. in 31. majem 2023. O točnem terminu predstavitev boste obveščeni naknadno.

Programa dela kandidatov:

Gradiva in informacije s podrobnejšimi podatki o izvedbi volitev so objavljene na spletni strani fakultete.

We would like to inform you that the Electoral Commission for the Election of the Dean, at its first regular meeting on 18 May 2023, confirmed the LIST OF CANDIDATES for the position of the Dean of UP FAMNIT.

Two candidates have been nominated for the office of the Dean, namely (in alphabetical order of surnames):
Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović, nominated by three departments of UP FAMNIT – the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Applied Natural Sciences, and the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies;
Assist. Prof. Vladimir Ivović, nominated by the Department of Biodiversity.

The public presentation of the candidates for the position of the Dean of UP FAMNIT will be held between 25 and 31 May 2023. You will be informed about the exact dates at a later date.

 Candidates’ work programs:

All relevant materials, as well as additional information on the election procedure, can be found on the Faculty website.