Evropska poletna šola umetne inteligence – popust za študente in zaposlene na UP // 1st European Summer School on AI – discount for the employees and students of UP

Univerza na Primorskem, Univerza v Ljubljani in Institut “Jožef Stefan” so združile moči in letos poleti skupaj organizirajo prvo Evropsko poletno šolo umetne inteligence – ESSAI 2023 pod okriljem Evropskega združenja za umetno inteligenco – EurAI. Šola bo potekala med 24. in 28. julijem 2023 v prostorih Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani.

Na sporedu bo 34 različnih tečajev v sedmih paralelnih sekcijah s tremi različnimi nivoji zahtevnosti (od uvodnih do naprednih). Tečaji bodo pokrivali zelo raznolika področja umetne inteligence. Predavali bodo vrhunski strokovnjaki, ki med drugim prihajajo iz univerz Stanford, Yale, Washington, Oxford, Cambridge, KU Leuven, TU Darmstadt, rimske Sapienze, francoskega CNRS in tudi iz podjetij, kot so Google Deep Mind, Microsoft in VMware Research.

Več o poletni šoli najdete na essai.si.

Zaposleni in študenti UP lahko izkoristite 10% popust* na registracijo. Kodo za popust prejmete na podlagi predprijave preko obrazca na naslovu: https://tinyurl.com/essaiUP

Na podlagi predprijave vam bodo organizatorji na elektronski naslov poslali vašo unikatno kodo za popust, ki jo boste uporabili ob registraciji na ESSAI spletni strani.

Da boste lahko ujeli prijavo po early-bird cenah priporočamo, da obrazec za predprijavo izpolnite do 31. maja.

Registracija vam omogoča dostop do vseh tečajev in predavanj, družabnih dogodkov ob večerih, brezplačnih kosil in coffe-breakov vse dni šole.

Študenti lahko kandidirate za štipendijo za udeležbo na šoli, ki jo razpisuje EurAI. Pogoj za kandidiranje je, da ste člani Slovenskega društva za umetno inteligenco (SLAIS) v katerega se po potrebi lahko brezplačno vključite (http://slais.ijs.si/documents/Pristopna_izjava.html). Več informacij o štipendiji najdete > TUKAJ  


The University of Primorska, University of Ljubljana and Institute Jožef Stefan come together in a joint  organization of the first European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence -ESSAI 2023, under the auspices of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence – EurAI, which will be held from 24 to 28 July 2023 at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana. 

The program will hold 34 courses in seven parallel sections with three different levels of difficulty ( introductory – advanced level), which will deliver a wide sphere of knowledge on Artificial Intelligence. There will be experts from the Universities such as StanfordYale, Washington, Oxford, Cambridge, KU Leuven, TU Darmstadt, Sapienza in Rome, CNRS in France, and the companies such as Google Deep MindMicrosoft and VMware Research will be presented as well.

More about the Summer School:essai.si.

Employees and students of UP can get a 10% discount on registration. Your code for the discount will be received upon pre-registration via the form > HERE 

Upon your pre-registration, the organizers will send an email with the unique code for the discount, which you can use during registering on the ESSAI webpage. To get early-bird prices, we kindly advise you to fill in the pre-registration form by 31 May.

Registration gives full access to the different courses and lectures, social events in the evenings, free lunches and coffee breaks through all days of Summer School. 

Students can apply for a grants for Summer School, which is provided by EurAI.

If you want to apply you have to be a member of the Slovenian Society for AI (SLAIS), which you can join for free >> FORM  

 More info. on grants, you will find HERE.