
Prvo nedeljo v maju (7. maja) že nekaj let zaznamuje tek Wings for life, ki poteka na tri načine – na večjem dogodku, kjer tekače lovi zasledovalno vozilo (ta bo v Ljubljani) ali pa z aplikacijo. To lahko uporabi vsak, ki se bo na nedeljo ob 13.00 odpravil na tek, lahko pa se pridruži enemu od t. i. »app run« organiziranih tekov z aplikacijo, kjer vas lovi virtualni avtomobil. Letos bo tovrstni tek prvič potekal ob morju v organizaciji Šport UP, ki na Univerzi na Primorskem skrbi za rekreacijo študentov in zaposlenih. Tekli bomo od stavbe UP FTŠ Turistica do zadnjega pomola portoroške plaže (krajši tek, obračališče po 2 km) ali pa do Seče (daljši tek, 4,4 km v eno smer).


S tekom želimo najprej spodbuditi študente in zaposlene k dodatni rekreaciji ter prijetnem druženju, predvsem pa pomagati pri dobrodelnem projektu, saj se zavedamo pomena podpore dobrim raziskovalnim projektom. Pri tem želimo k skupnemu teku povabili lokalne in regionalne tekače, ki se za tek v prestolnici niso odločili, bi pa raje tekli v družbi. Vsi pa bomo sledili sloganu teka – tečem za tiste, ki ne morejo.

V poseben navdih nam bo zato ambasador ŠportUP Wings for life World Run 2023 – App Campus Run UP, in sicer naš alumni Aljoša Habjan, diplomant Aplikativne kineziologije UP FVZ. Aljoša se je tekom študija težko poškodoval in postal tetraplegik. Kljub temu je vztrajal in opravil vse manjkajoče predmete in vsebine ter decembra 2022, pod mentorstvom doc. dr. Mateja Plevnika uspešno zagovarjal zaključno nalogo z naslovom »Gibalna/športna aktivnost tetraplegikov«. Njegova zgodba o nesreči, ki ga ni ustavila, bo zagotovo motivacija za vsakega od nas.


Prijavo na tek opravite prek aplikacije teka, kjer tudi opravite donacijo v višini 15,00 eur. Drugih stroškov s pridružitvijo organiziranemu teku ni, UP Pedagoška fakulteta pa bo poskrbela tudi za animacijo in varstvo otrok tekačev (od dopolnjenega 5. leta, s predhodno prijavo).

Za vse tekače bosta po teku na voljo pijača in prigrizek na terasi UP Turistice, kjer se lahko podružijo in podelijo vtise.



Želiš biti del dogodka, vendar ne tečeš? Prijavi se kot prostovoljec! Spodaj vpiši svoje podatke ali se prijavi preko obrazca TUKAJ. Sestanek prostovoljcev bo preko ZOOM povezave potekal v sredo, 3. 5. v večernih urah, točne podatke in povezavo pa prejmete po prijavi.



For several years now, the first Sunday in May (7 May) has been marked by the Wings for Life Run, which takes place in three ways – at a major event, where runners are chased by a pursuit vehicle (this will be in Ljubljana) or by an app. This can be used by anyone who is going to run on Sunday at 13:00, or you can join one of the “app runs” organised with the app, where you are chased by a virtual car. This year, for the first time, this type of run will take place by the seaside, organised by Sport UPwhich is responsible for the recreation of students and staff at the University of Primorska. We will run from the UP FTŠ Turistica building to the last pier of the Portorož beach (shorter run, turning point after 2 km) or to Seča (longer run, 4.4 km one way).  


With the run, we want to first of all encourage students and staff to enjoy additional recreation and pleasant socialising, but above all to help the charity project, as we are aware of the importance of supporting good research projects. We would like to invite local and regional runners who have not chosen to run in the capital but would prefer to run in the company of others to join us. And we will all follow the slogan of the run – I run for those who can’t. 

We will be especially inspired by the StartUP Wings for life World Run 2023 – App Run UP ambassador, our alumni Aljoša Habjan,graduate of Applied Kinesiology at UP FVZ. Aljoša was seriously injured during his studies and became a tetraplegic. Nevertheless, he persevered and passed all the missing courses and subjects and successfully defended his final thesis entitled “Physical/sport activity of tetraplegics” in December 2022, under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matej Plevnik. His story about the accident that did not stop him will surely be a motivation for all of us.  


You can register for the run via the run app, where you can also make a donation of €15.00. There are no other costs for joining the organised run, and the UP Faculty of Education will also provide animation and childcare for the runners’ children (from the age of 5, with prior registration). After the run, all runners will be offered a drink and a snack on the terrace of the UP Turistica, where they can mingle and share impressions. 


Want to be part of the event but you don’t run? Sign up as a volunteer! The volunteer meeting will take place via the ZOOM link on Wednesday 3 May in the evening, and you will receive the exact details and link after registration. APPLY >> HERE