Prva Evropska poletna šola umetne inteligence (ESSAI) in (ACAI)/// First European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) and (ACAI)

Evropska poletna šola umetne inteligence (ESSAI) je nova in prva poletna šola, ki poteka pod okriljem Evropskega združenja za umetno inteligenco (EurAI). Njen primarni cilj je postati osrednji prostor za študente in mlade raziskovalce na področju umetne inteligence, ta bo namreč služila predvsem aktualnim razpravam in izmenjavi znanj. Oblika pa je podobna Evropski poletni šoli logike, jezika in informacij (ESSLLI), ki poteka od leta 1989. 

V letošnji prvi izvedbi bo poletna šola, ESSAI 2023, ponujala 24 enotedenskih tečajev z različnih področij umetne inteligence in njenih poddisciplin. ESSAI in ACAI bosta organizirana kot enoten dogodek ki bo obsegal 6 vzporednih sklopov, kjer bo program ESSAI sestavljen z različnimi zahtevnostnimi ravnmi kot je osnovna, začetna in napredna raven. 

Predavanja bodo izvajali vrhunski raziskovalci iz številnih svetovno priznanih Univerz, kot so  Stanford (ZDA), Univerza v Washingtonu (ZDA), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Avstralija) in ostalih priznanih EU Univerz. Da bo širina znanj resnično obsegala vse profile, bodo prisotna tudi številna podjetja s področja AI, eno takih je podjetje DeepMind.

Kaj ponuja?

  • ACAI-2023 bo združeval 10 učnih ur (po 2 x 90 minut) na temo umetne inteligence in znanosti,
  • ESSAI-2023 pa bo skupaj s tretjo poletno šolo TAILOR ponujal 24 tečajev (po 5 x 90 minut) na vse teme umetne inteligence, ki jih bo izbral mednarodni programski odbor.

Prav tako bodo vsi obiskovalci poletne šole ESSAI in ACAI 2023 upravičeni do nižje cene pri registraciji 34. šole ESSLLI 2023, ki bo potekala teden dni po dogodku na isti lokaciji. 


Evropska poletna šola o umetni inteligenci ESSAI in ACAI, bo potekala, od 24. do 28. julija 2023, v Ljubljani, na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerze v Ljubljani. 

Glavni organizator dogodka je slovensko društvo za umetno inteligenco (SLAIS), član EurAI, Univerza na Primorskem, Univerza v Ljubljani, in Institut Jožef Stefan.   

Tečaji ESSAI na voljo >> TUKAJ 

Seminarji ACAI-2023 na voljo >>TUKAJ


European summer school on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) is a new and first summer school, held under the auspices of the European Association for AI (EurAI). The core goal of the event is to become the central meeting place for students and young researchers in Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research and share knowledge. Furthermore, the format of the ESSAI is comparable to the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), which has been running since 1989.

The first summer school will provide 24 weekly courses with different areas of AI and their subdiscipline. ESSAI and ACAI 2023 will be organized as a single event with six parallel tracks, where the ESSAI program will include different levels of difficulty of the courses such as foundational, introductory or advanced. 

There will be well-known researchers from world-renowned Universities such as Stanford (USA), University of Washington (USA), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia) and other EU Universities, also AI companies (for example DeepMind) will be presented as well.

What does it offer?

  • ACAI-2023 will offer 10 invited tutorials (of 2x90min each) on the topic of AI & Science,
  • while ESSAI-2023, together with the third TAILOR Summer School, will offer 24 courses (of 5x90min each) on all topics of AI, solicited through an open call for course proposals and selected by an international program committee.

Moreover, all attendees of ESSAI and ACAI 2023 will be entitled to a lower price for the 34th edition of ESSLI 2023, which will take place at the same location one week after the event.


European summer school on Artificial intelligence (ESSAI) and ACAI will take place from 24 to 28 July 2023, in Ljubljana, at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science.

The organizers of the event are the Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society (SLAIS), a member society of EurAI, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Primorska and the Jožef Stefan Institute.

ESSAI courses >>> HERE

ACAI tutorials >>> HERE

All information: HERE 


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