V okviru projekta Zelene, digitalna in vključujoča Univerza na Primorskem (GDI UP) UP organizira vrsto različnih usposabljanj, delavnic in drugih oblik izobraževanj z namenom podlage širše nacionalne reforme za zelen odporen prehod v Družbo 5.0.

Cilj pilotnih projektov je opremljanje študentov s kompetencami za zelen in digitalen prehod v Družbo 5.0.

Za doktorske študente, mlade raziskovalce, podoktorande in vse, ki jih zanima tovrstna tematika organizirajo delavnico IZZIVI DRUŽBOSLOVNEGA RAZISKOVANJA, in sicer v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku.

PRIJAVA: do 27.1.2023 preko povezave > TUKAJ

Celotno vabilo na delavnico >TUKAJ


Within the framework of the Green, Digital and Inclusive University of Primorska (GDI UP) project, UP organizes a series of different trainings, workshops and other forms of education with the aim of laying the foundation for a wider national reform for a green and resilient transition to Society 5.0.

The goal of the pilot projects is to educate students with the competencies for a green and digital transition to Society 5.0.

For doctoral students, young researchers, post-doctoral students and anyone interested in this type of topic, they are organizing a workshop CHALLENGES OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH, in Slovenian or English. 

Registration is until January 27, 2023 through the following link: APPLICATION

Invitation to the workshkop > HERE