The University of Primorska (UP) was successful in the public call for proposals “Strengthening the role of career centres in the integrated treatment of students”. The subject of the call for proposals is the co-financing of the further operation and upgrading of the career centres of higher education institutions by promoting tailored forms of assistance for specific groups of students, and its aim is to improve the responsiveness of the education system to the needs of the labour market and the related matching of young people’s skills and expectations, with the aim of promoting comprehensive high-quality career guidance throughout the entire study process, from enrolment to employment, and matching the acquired skills of students with the needs of the labour market, while promoting tailored forms of assistance for specific groups of students.
The call for the selection of operations is part-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund. The operation is implemented under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, Priority Axis:
- 10. Knowledge, Skills and Lifelong Learning for Better Employability; Priority Investment:
- 10.1 Improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups in formal, non-formal and informal learning, updating the knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce and promoting flexible forms of learning, including through career guidance and validation of acquired competences, specific objective:
- 10.1.3 Promote flexible forms of learning and support quality career guidance for young people in education at all levels of the education system.
The project implemented at UP under the call for proposals is called Integrated Programme for Personal and Professional Growth at UP (short: UP Personal Growth) and is aimed at building on the integrated personal career management programme of the Career Centre of the University of Primorska, Centre for Lifelong Learning and Career Orientation (KC UP), with the involvement of other experts, in particular colleagues from the Department of Psychology at UP FAMNIT, the Department of Educational Sciences at UP PEF (Inclusion) and the Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research at UP IAM (Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research UP IAM).The aim of the project is to develop the UP Personal Growth Programme (KC UP).
KC UP has been continuously offering its users an integrated personal career management programme, which includes in-depth and informative career counselling, a Career Basket and opportunities to get involved in various activities from the UP Lifelong Learning offer, as well as activities aimed at getting to know the working environment and establishing contacts with potential employers. The project will also adapt the existing programme to the most vulnerable groups of students and graduates. By identifying and involving individuals from specific groups in the activities offered by the KC UP, a comprehensive career orientation throughout the entire study process for the most vulnerable groups will be ensured through tailored forms of assistance and integration, as well as improving the responsiveness of the education system to the needs of the labour market. Crucially, the project will pay particular attention to promoting the empowerment of specific groups of students.
The activities planned under the project are aimed at upgrading the functioning of the KC UP in the direction of integrated treatment and adapted forms of assistance for special groups of students, namely:
- by setting up a system of identification of special groups of students and identification of special groups of students;
- training of career counsellors in working with special groups;
- providing support in the form of counselling, training and other planned activities for the development of career, emotional and social competence.
Students and graduates are invited to participate in all the activities of the project, which are free of charge. In addition to the counselling and workshops offered at the KC UP within the Career Basket programme (published HERE), they are also offered the possibility of joining the Individual Counselling, which has a special focus on students from special groups, offering the possibility of individual help and support to individuals who need support in balancing their studies with other life circumstances. You are welcome to contact the UP Career Centre staff via e-mail: to arrange a counselling session.
As the project continues, users will also be offered the possibility to join group sessions to strengthen personal resilience (mindfulness) and other forms of support for successful management and development of their personal career.
All activities of the UP Personal Growth project are designed to ensure their continuity and sustainability beyond the end of the project (after 30 September 2023).