Vabljeni, da se avgusta 2023 udeležite poletne šole Turku Åbo, ki se nahaja v enem najbolj tradicionalnem in priljubljenem študijskem mestu na Finskem.
Poletna šola Turku Åbo ponuja 16 aktualnih, obsežnih in v celoti akreditiranih tečajev s glavnih področji petih visokošolskih ustanov v regiji Turku. Pridobite lahko najnovejša znanja s področja oblikovanja iger, družbene trajnosti v financiranju, urbanističnega načrtovanja in še več!
Izvedba večine tečajev je na sami lokaciji v Turku od 7 do 18 Avgusta 2023. Poleg tega je na voljo tudi pet spletnih tečajev, ki niso odvisni od lokacije.
Cene tečaja se gibljejo med 45 do 75€!
Zakaj poletna šola Turku Abo?
- Pester izbor tečajev in odlično poučevanje
Pet univerz ponuja najboljše s svojih ključnih področij, kjer se osredotočajo na različne metode poučevanja in interaktivnega učenja.
- Trajnostni družbeni program
Menijo, da se za mednarodni študij vsekakor splača potovati, vendar želijo emisije kako nadomestiti. S svojim trajnostnim programom stremijo k uravnoteženem in okolju prijaznemu študiju z poudarkom na najzanimivejših dejavnostih, ki jih ponuja regija Turku.
- Poletje na Finskem in nova mednarodna poznanstva
Na Finskem je poletje kratko, a zelo lepo. Ne more biti boljšega načina preživljanja časa kot sklepanje novih prijateljstev, pridobivanje novih znanj in uživanje v radostih najstarejšega mesta na Finskem.
Prijave sprejemajo do 15. aprila, 2023. Več o prijavi najdete > TUKAJ.
You are invited to join Turku Åbo Summer School in August 2023 in one of the most traditional and popular study cities in Finland.
Turku Åbo Summer School offers 16 topical, wide-ranging and fully accredited courses from the key areas of five higher education institutions in the Turku region. You can get the latest insights on topics ranging from game design and social sustainability to financing and urban planning and much more!
Most of the courses are taught on-site and require presence in Turku from 7 to 18 August. In addition, there are five online courses that you can take part in anywhere.
The course fees vary only between 45-75€!
Top three reasons to choose Turku Abo Summer School
- Diverse courses and top teaching
The five universities involved offer the best of their key areas, which are focusing on diverse teaching methods and interactive learning.
- Sustainable Social Programme
They believe that international studies are definitely worth traveling for, yet they want to compensate for the emission somehow. With their Sustainable Social Programme they want to balance studies by offering you the most interesting activities in the Turku region in an environmentally friendly way.
- Beautiful Finnish summer and new international friends
The Finnish summer is short, but beautiful. There can not be a better way of spending it than learning and expanding the knowledge and professional skills while making friends for life and enjoying what the oldest study city in Finland has to offer.
You can apply by 15 April 2023. More information about application process > HERE.