Danes, 5. decembra 2022, vas vabimo na predstavitev francoskega veleposlaništva, kjer bo njihov predstavnik prikazal priložnosti študentske mobilnosti v Franciji. Predstavitev bo na Fakulteti za humanistične študije (UP FHŠ), v času predavanja Davida Bizjaka, od 12.00 do 14.00 in bo potekala 45 minut v angleščini in 15 minut v francoščini.
Today, 5th of December 2022, we are inviting you to the French Embassy presentation where their representative will present opportunities for student mobility in France. The presentation will be on the Faculty of Humanities (UP FHŠ), during the lecture of David Bizjak, from 12:00 to 14:00, and will last 45 minutes in English and 15 minutes in French.