*English below
Celtra d.o.o. v svoje vrste vabi osebo za pozicijo QA internship, zadolženo za izvajanje, načrtovanje in vzdrževanje ročnih in avtomatskih testnih scenarijev. Postal/a boš del hitro rastoče QA ekipe, ki jo sestavljajo visoko motivirani in zavzeti strokovnjaki s področja zagotavljanja kakovosti. Pridruži se skupini inženirjev, ki s svojim znanjem in izkušnjami namesto dobrih soustvarja odlične programske rešitve.
Kakšno osebo iščemo?
- Te veseli delo z mobilnimi telefoni in z njimi povezanimi tehnologijami?
- Slaba uporabniška izkušnja te neredko vrže iz tira, občutek za podrobnosti pa skrbi, da vztrajaš vse dokler stvari ne delujejo tako kot bi morale
- Poznaš in se navdušuješ nad različnimi web tehnologijami?
- Pisanje in govorjenje v angleškem jeziku zate ne predstavlja ovire
Kaj ti prinaša bonus točke?
- Izkušnje s testiranjem na mobilnih napravah
- Poznavanje orodij za avtomatizacijo testiranja, kot na primer Selenium in Appium
Kakšne bodo tvoje zadolžitve?
- Izvajanje ročnega in avtomatskega testiranja
- Tesno sodelovanje z razvojnimi inženirji in produktno ekipo
- Pisanje testnih scenarijev ob delu z aktualnimi QA orodji
- Širok spekter reševanja problemov povezanih s kakovostjo
Kdo bodo tvoji sodelavci?
- Mlada ekipa z vrhunskimi strokovnjaki in dobrimi mentorji
- Inženirji, ki so ponosni na dejstvo, da soustvarjajo vodilni produkt s področja digitalnega oglaševanja
- Posamezniki, ki stremijo k nenehnemu izpopolnjevanju svojih znanj
Kaj dobiš v zameno?
- Delo v izredno uspešnem in hitro rastočem mednarodnem podjetju
- Vrhunsko opremo in stik z najsodobnejšimi tehnologijami
- Udobno delovno okolje v središču Ljubljane (omogočamo tudi 100% remote delo)
- Hladilnik in police napolnjene s hladnimi pijačami, svežim sadjem, prigrizki in čokoladami, tedenske zajtrke, itd.
Kdo je Celtra?
Celtra je eno izmed najhitreje rastočih podjetij v svetu mobilnega oglaševanja. Našo večkrat nagrajeno in vodilno SaaS platformo Celtra, namenjeno izdelavi, serviranju in analizi oglasov, uporablja več kot 5000 blagovnih znamk po vsem svetu, med njimi Adidas, Nike, P&G, Spotify, itd.
Why should you work with us?
At Celtra, we developed our own product. Actually two. Both products drive significant value for our worldwide customers. How we deliver this value to our customers has evolved over the years, but the founders’ mission has not: to change the way we do digital advertising for the better.
What is our team responsible for?
As a QA intern at Celtra, this is what your job will look like: you will learn from experienced mentors and make a significant contribution in your new role as a QA engineer. In your first three months you will follow a well prepared 30-60-90 days onboarding plan. After that, you will achieve a level where you will comfortably tackle tasks of mid-to-low complexity on your own. Eventually, you will onboard various test automation frameworks and expand our existing test automation coverage.
What are the challenges ahead?
Just recently we’ve introduced the concept of QA specializations where we give individuals the opportunity to further evolve their expertise in the areas of performance, security, test automation and usability testing. If you would like to work within the team that strives to evolve both technically and professionally, you have found your match.
What kind of tech stack do we use?
First product:
The product is built using NodeJs, PHP, MySQL, Redis and Python. For both products, on the front-end, we use Vue.js, NPM, Webpack and vanilla JavaScript when needed. Everything runs on the AWS cloud, orchestrated by the Kubernetes cluster.
Second product:
The product is built using Scala, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, Spark, Snowflake, and you will also find GoLang, MongoDb, Kinesis. Everything runs on the AWS cloud, orchestrated by the Kubernetes cluster.
QA specific toolkit:
To automate manual processes and write automated regression tests we prefer Python, Javascript and Ruby programming languages.
What would be your responsibilities?
- execute tests on actual mobile and desktop devices by collaborating and learning from experienced QA engineers
- review specs early in the process and validate requirements by building preliminary test plans
- expand Celtra’s end to end automated test coverage on mobile and desktop devices.
- you are truly interested in how things work and are always willing to dig deeper
- some understanding of frontend and backend web technologies
- programming skills in python, ruby or javascript
- good verbal and written English communication skills.
- desire to constantly learn and improve
- a team player
What do we offer?
- Competitive salary.
- Buddy and mentor that will help you grow professionally, plus a well structured development plan.
- Unlimited remote working. You can choose to work from home indefinitely or join us in our Ljubljana office whenever you feel like it.
- Flexible hours and work-life balance. We focus on results rather than schedules.
- Top-notch working equipment.
- We have fun. We organise regular team & company events.
- Free breakfasts & beverages available in the office.