Nagradni natečaj Unija Challenge 2022 – regijsko tekmovanje za najboljšo projektno nalogo // Union Challenge 2022 – regional competition for the best project assignment

Uniji Smart Accounting vedno išče kreativne rešitve, ki premikajo meje na področju računovodstva, svetovanja in informacijske tehnologije. Je odlična priložnost za mlade, da nadgradijo in poglobijo svoje znanje, pa tudi da navežejo nove stike in poznanstva z udeleženci iz celotne regije.

Natečaj je organiziran tako, da se študentje lahko prijavijo na eno od treh ponujenih področij:računovodstvo, svetovanje in informacijska tehnologija.

Teme za projektne naloge znotraj teh področij so:

  • Vizija računovodstva 2052
  • Market research za potencialnega investitorja
  • Cyber Security za mala podjetja

Nagradni natečaj z glavno nagrado 5.000 EUR. Podrobnosti tukaj 

Študenti se lahko prijavijo individualno ali skupinsko, in sicer do 5. oktobra 2022, izberejo pa si eno izmed ponujenih področij. S tem pristopijo k reševanju projektne naloge in pokažejo svojo ustvarjalnost in znanje.




Uniji Smart Accounting is always looking for creative solutions that push the boundaries of accounting, consulting and IT. It is a great opportunity for young people to build on and deepen their knowledge, as well as to make new contacts and acquaintances with participants from all over the region.

The competition is organised in such a way that students can apply for one of the three fields on offer: Accounting, Consulting and Information Technology.

The topics for the project assignments within these areas are:

  • Accounting Vision 2052
  • Market research for a potential investor
  • Cyber Security for small businesses

Prize competition with a top prize of €5,000. Details here 

Students can apply individually or in groups until 5 October 2022, choosing one of the areas on offer. By doing so, they approach the project task and demonstrate their creativity and knowledge.

