The European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO) is an international competition in mathematics, which addresses female high school students, whose commitment to mathematics goes beyond the usual school curriculum. To participate at the EGMO, the students have to qualify at the respective national competition. Together with their advisors, the students form the respective national delegation. The EGMO has been held since 2012, each year in a different country. The 12th EGMO will take place in Slovenia, from 13 April to 19 April 2023. We expect to host 60 countries, for a total of about 240 contestants.

The EGMO promotes young scientists, increases the proportion of female students in IMO teams, supports the social, cultural and interdisciplinary exchange between teenagers from all over the world. This views correspond with values, goals and awareness of the University of Primorska, which wants to attract successful and potential female researchers, therefore we are very proud to be actively involved in the preparation and implementation of the Olympiad, hosted by the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists, and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA Slovenije).

All information about the conference is available on the website.

Special attention to girls and women in science was paid this year, as we prepared a series of  interviews with female UP researchers (#womeninscience) – between 11 February (International Day of Women and Girls in Science) and 8 March (International Women’s Day).