Študentsko delo V Cosylab-u, Inženir kontrolnih sistemov na lokaciji pri stranki (Anglija) ⁄ Cosylab is hiring a Control Systems Engineer at the Customer’s premises in the UK

Se tvoj študij bliža koncu? Iščeš podjetje, ki bi ti omogočilo delo tudi v tujini? Se znajdeš tako s tehničnimi zadevami kot tudi v komunikaciji z ljudmi? Preberi več spodaj!

Ekipa, ki razvija kontrolni sistem medicinskega pospeševalnika išče nadobudnega študenta oz. študentko, ki bo v letu 2022 zaključil/a študij in je pripravljen/a sprejeti izziv ter leto 2023 preživeti na lokaciji stranke obdan z različnimi napravami za nadzor in kontrolo pospeševalnika, ter misijo, da ga skupaj z ekipo Cosylabovih in strankinih strokovnjakov spravi v življenje. Delo bo zajemalo podporo stranki in Cosylab ekipi, pri verifikaciji in oživljanju kontrolnega sistem.

P.S.: To je tudi odlična odskočna deska za to, da postaneš inženir kontrolnih sistemov!

V Cosylab-u iščejo študenta ali študentko, ki:

  • Je pri koncu s študijem (FE, FERI, FMF ali drugi podobni tehnični programi).
  • Bi bil/a pripravljena delati pri naši stranki v Angliji v letu 2023.
  • Mu/ji je blizu delo z napravami, njihova intergracija, verifikacija.
  • Rad/a programira in ji brskanje po tuji kodi ni tuje.
  • Rad/a komunicira.
  • Ima oko za podrobnosti, je iznajdljiva in prilagodjiva.
  • Tekoče in pisno govori angleški jezik.

Kaj ponujajo?

  • Od študentskega dela do prve zaposlitve in karierne poti, prilagojene individualnim željam.
  • Mentorstvo in neposredni prenos znanja.
  • Vrsto Cosylab akademij (C++, C#, Java, EPICS, LabView …).
  • Delovno okolje s fleksibilnim delovnim časom in možnostjo dela na daljavo.
  • Možnost dela v tujini.
  • Okolje nenehnega izpopolnjevanja: redna domača in zunanja usposabljanja ter ekipa mednarodnih strokovnjakov, ki vam želijo pomagati pri rasti.
  • Številne ugodnosti: od rekreativnih športnih aktivnosti po službi, do neomejene količine kave in pijače, terapevtske masaže in ostale aktivnosti za dobro počutje. 
  • Številne Cosylab-ove dogodke (teambuildingi, Cosypiknik, novoletne zabave …).
  • Prijetno delovno okolje z odprtimi, ustvarjalnimi in prijaznimi sodelavci.

So vzbudili tvoje zanimanje? Želiš biti del ekipe?

Oddaj svojo prijavo tukaj in bodi korak bližje temu, da postaneš pravi Cosylaber!

Are your studies coming to an end? Are you looking for a company that enables work abroad as well? Do both technical matters and communication with people suit you? Read more below!

Cosylab team, which is developing the control system for a medical accelerator, is looking for a student who will graduate in 2022 and is ready to take on the challenge and spend the year 2023 at the client’s location surrounded by various accelerator monitoring and control devices, with a mission to bring it to life with Cosylab and our client’s experts. The work will include supporting the client and the Cosylab team in verifying and reviving the control system.

P.S.: It’s an excellent springboard for becoming a control systems engineer!

At Cosylab, they’re looking for a student who

  • Is at the end of their studies (FE, FMF, FERI, or other similar technical fields).
  • Is ready to spend the year 2023 in the UK at our customer’s premises.
  • Likes to work close to the devices, taking care of their integration and verification.
  • Likes programming and is familiar with browsing through foreign code.
  • Has good communication skills.
  • Is details oriented, resourceful and flexible.
  • Is fluent in spoken and written English.

What they offer?

  • From student work to your first job and career path, customized to individual preferences.
  • Mentoring and direct knowledge transfer.
  • Cosylab academies (C++, C#, Java, EPICS, LabView …).
  • A work environment with flexible working hours and remote work.
  • Opportunities to work abroad, at our customer’s premises.
  • Interesting work full of challenges in an international working environment.
  • High-impact learning culture: regular in-house and external training sessions and a team of international professionals eager to help you grow.
  • Many recreational after-work activities, unlimited coffee, soft drinks, fruit, therapeutic massage, other well-being goodies.
  • Cosylab events (Team buildings, CosyPicnic, New Year’s Party … ).
  • Casual atmosphere with friendly faces where you can completely “be yourself”.

You can apply here.