Postani prostovoljec/ka na teku z ovirami SPARTAN race! Kranjska Gora (Planica), 21. in 22. maj 2022 / Volunteers wanted for the SPARTAN race Kranjska Gora (Planica), 21 and 22 May 2022

Kranjska Gora (Planica) bo 21. in 22. 5. 2022 gostila drugo izdajo največje svetovne znamke tekov z ovirami SPARTAN race. 

Če ste športni tip, vas zanima organizacija prireditev ali pa samo radi spoznavate nove ljudi in dogodke, potem ste pravi za prostovoljca pri organizaciji SPARTAN race!

Vaše delo lahko obsega dela v štartno-ciljni areni (registracije, na cilju) ali na tekaški stezi, kjer spremljate tekmovalce, ki se spopadejo z ovirami. V vsakem primeru je SPARTAN zabavna in zanimiva izkušnja.

Več informacij najdete na Facebook skupini Prostovoljci / Volunteers SPARTAN race Kranjska Gora: ali na emailu Tam boste našli informacijo, da si z delom lahko prislužite BREZPLAČNO ŠTARTNINO in druge ugodnosti in možnost nočitve.

Prijave so možne na naslednji povezavi do 30. 4. 2022 (oziroma rezerva do 10. 5. 2022) Po prijavi morate prejeti potrditveni email. Po dogovoru je možno tudi opravljanje strokovne prakse.


Kranjska Gora (Planica) will host the second edition of the SPARTAN race on 21 and 22 May 2022.

If you are a sports person, you are interested in organizing events or you just like to meet new people and events, then you are perfect for volunteering at the SPARTAN race!

Your work can include work in the start-finish arena (registration, finish) or on the running track, where you follow the competitors who are facing obstacles. In any case, SPARTAN is a fun and interesting experience.

More information can be found on the Facebook group Volunteers SPARTAN race Kranjska Gora: or via email There you will find information about the possibility of earning a FREE PARTICIPATION FEE and other benefits and the possibility of accommodation.

Registrations are possible on the following link until 30 April 2022 (or reserve until 10 May 2022) After registration, you will receive a confirmation email. By agreement, it is also possible to perform professional practice.

You are invited to join!