Two “new” superclasses of bent functions outside M#

10:00 — 11:00
Amar Bapić (UP FAMNIT, Slovenia)
Two “new” superclasses of bent functions outside M#

During the talk, we give a short introduction to some basic definitions and notions regarding (vectorial) bent functions, which have been extensively studied in the past four decades. We present two new superclasses of bent functions obtained from the Maiorana-McFarland class (M) and Carlet’s C and D classes. This is the first time bent functions are obtained from the M class by modifying the values on a set rather than some linear/affine subspace of GF(2^m). We also present a new generic construction method for vectorial bent functions using the so-called (P_U) property, which was introduced by Tang et al. in 2017. By combining these results, we obtain new families of vectorial bent functions weakly/strongly outside the completed M class. Some results obtained jointly with Enes Pasalic, Fengrong Zhang and Samir Hodžić are presented.


We are looking forward to meeting you at FAMNIT-MP1. 

This Monday, April 4,  2022, from 10 am to 11 am.


Our Math Research Seminar will not be broadcasted via Zoom this time.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.