Informativni dan za podiplomske študijske programe na Fakulteti za management UP

-English below-

UP Fakulteta za management v torek, 5. aprila 2022 ob 18. uri prireja virtualni informativni dan za podiplomske študijske programe, kjer bodo predstavljeni tako postopek prijave za vpis kot tudi vsebine programov:

Za prisotnost na dogodku se prijavite TUKAJ.

Virtual Information Session for Masters Study Programmes at the Faculty of Management UP

The UP Faculty of Management is organising an Virtual information session for master study programmes on Thursday, April 7th, 2022, at 6 p.m. They will be presenting the application procedures as well as the programmes held in the English language:

  • MANAGEMENT (modules: Management in Modern society, Management of Industry 4.0, Entrepreneurship, Business in Digital Environment, Marketing, Languages in Business, Financial management, Human Resources Management)
  • POLITICAL SCIENCE (module: International Relations, Economic diplomacy)

Please SIGN UP for the info session HERE.

If you are interested in the programmes held in the Slovenian language, you can come to the Slovenian Info session on April 5, 2022. More about it here.