Call for enrolment into postgraduate study programs at UP FAMNIT

Call for enrolment into postgraduate study programs at UP FAMNIT in the academic year 2022/23 is now published!

Application terms for EU citizens:

  • first application term: from 6 April to 24 August 2022,
  • second application term: from 8 to 15 September 2022,
  • third application term: from 22 to 23 September 2022.

Application terms for non-EU citizens and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship:

  • first application term: from 6 April to 12 August 2022,
  • second application term: from 19 to 26 August 2022,
  • third application term: from 8 to 15 September 2022,
  • fourth application term: from 22 to 23 September 2022.

Candidates for enrolment in the doctoral study programmes must do the following:

  • hold an interview with the study programme Coordinator after the submission of the application,
  • choose a mentor and obtain his written agreement before enrolling.

Call and information for candidates regarding the application are published in this link.

Candidates can obtain all information from the Student Services Office (e-mail:, phone 05 611 75 75).

You are kindly invited to follow our info events page, where further information regarding the presentations of postgradute study programmes at UP FAMNIT will be published.