Urnik knjižnice od 2.12.2021 / Library Schedule from 2 December 2021

Obveščamo vas, da je knjižnica od 2. 12. 2021 ponovno odprta. Izjemoma je danes, 2. 12. 2021 knjižnica odprta od 13:00 do 16:00. Ostale dni knjižnica deluje po ustaljenem urniku. O morebitnih spremembah boste obveščeni.

Hvala za razumevanje.


We would like to inform you that the library is reopened from 2 December 2021. Exceptionally, today, 2 December 2021, the library is open from 13:00 to 16:00. On other days, the library operates according to a regular schedule. You will be notified of any schedule changes.

Thank you for your understanding.