3rd application deadline for enrollment of foreign students in undergraduate study programs is soon closing!

The 3rd application deadline for citizens of non-EU countries and Slovenes without Slovene citizenship in the undergraduate study programs of the University of Primorska closes on 3 September 2021.

At UP FAMNIT, there are still available places in the following study programs:

  • Bioinformatics (UN), implemented in Slovene language
  • Mathematics (UN), implemented in English language 
  • Mathematics (UN), implemented in Slovene language
  • Mathematics in Economics and Finance (UN), implemented in Slovene language 
  • Mediterranean agriculture (VS), implemented in Slovene language

Students who are enrolling in study programs that are implemented in Slovene have the option to apply for a Year Plus. Year Plus enables foreign students to improve their academic performance by re-enrolling in the first year due to reason of insufficient knowledge of Slovenian. More information is available here: https://www.famnit.upr.si/en/education/enrolment–2122

The application for enrolment in 3rd application deadline is submitted electronically via the eVŠ web portal (https://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/)  by 3 September 2021.

Candidates must enclose all required documentation with their application. Instructions for completing the application are available at https://portal.evs.gov.si/information-in-english.
For additional questions contact the  Admissions Office of University of Primorska at vpis@upr.si. 

Choose science, choose Famnit!