Spremembe Zakona o tujcih – srečanje s študenti // Changes in the Alien Act – meeting with students

Slovenija je sprejela spremembe Zakona o tujcih, ki uvajajo nekatere dodatne možnosti in posodabljajo nekatere postopke.

Sedaj je možno dovoljenje prevzeti v Sloveniji, tudi če ste zanj zaprosili na veleposlaništvu v tujini. Prav tako lahko bivate v Sloveniji še 9 mesecev po zaključku študija kot iskalci zaposlitve.
O teh in drugih spremembah se bomo pogovorili na srečanju v sredo, 2. junija 2021, ob 11.00. Pridružite se nam lahko preko ZOOM povezave: https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/82592952705?pwd=dkV1OHZtV2NUSjNXTFFBem1WZXplZz09

Ob tem poudarjamo, da se ureditev o zagotavljanju zadostnih sredstev ni spremenila, glede na prejšnjo ureditev. Ta ostaja enaka – če so vas starši dolžni preživljati po zakonodaji vase države, še vedno predložite izjavo in rojstni list. Sicer pa bo potrebno dokazovati, da razpolagate z zadostnimi sredstvi na svojem računu.

Vabljeni na srečanje!

Slovenia made changes to the Aliens Act, which are introducing new possibilities and is updating some of the procedures.

You can now receive the permit in Slovenia, even if you applied for it at the embassy abroad. You can also stay in Slovenia for another 9 months after you finish your studies as a job seeker.
We will discuss these and some other changes at a meeting on Wednesday, 2 June 2021, at 11 a.m.. You can join us via the ZOOM link: https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/82592952705?pwd=dkV1OHZtV2NUSjNXTFFBem1WZXplZz09

Please also know, that the regulations for proving sufficient funds have not change from previous regulations. These remain the same. If your parents have to support by law of your country, that their statement and the birth certificate will suffice. If not, you will still have to prove you have available funding on your bank account. 

You are welcome to join the event!