Mathematical Research Seminar

10:00 — 11:00
FAMNIT-VP1 and Zoom
Russ Woodroofe (UP FAMNIT)
Combinatorial shifting via limits of matrix actions

Abstract:  Combinatorial shifting is a tool used to prove results from extremal set theory such as the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem.  Combinatorial shifting applies a step-by-step procedure to replace a system with a
somewhat simpler (shifted) system.

There are alternate algebraic approaches to shifting.  For example, in recent work, I’ve shown how the Borel Fixed-Point theorem can in certain settings replace (in one step) a system with a shifted system.

In this talk, I’ll connect the combinatorial shifting approach with the Borel Fixed-Point approach, by showing how to realize the step-by-step procedure of combinatorial shifting with a limiting
procedure of actions by 1-parameter matrices.

The seminar will be broadcasting via Zoom through the following link:

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