Three more positions of Young Researcher in the field of Mathematics and Biology

The University of Primorska has published a public tender for three more Young Researcher candidates in 2020, who will be trained at the Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM) and the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT).

Below you will find the supervisors and research areas / programmes:

Ademir Hujdurović – field: Mathematics, Research Programme P1-0404 Mathematical modelling and encryption: from theoretical concepts to real-life applications; UP Andrej Marušič Institute,

Elena Bužan – field: Biology; Research Programme P1-0386 Conservation biology, from molecules to ecosystem; UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies,

Candidates must submit their applications by 12 August 2020 by 2 p.m.

Dragan Marušič– field: Mathematics; Research Programme P1-0285 Algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and game theory; UP Andrej Marušič Institute,
Candidates must submit their applications by 21 July 2020 by 2 p.m.

More information about the call and the selection procedure is available on this link.