Young Academics Award 2020

Research and innovation are key elements for promoting sustainable development in the Alps. Young academics play a crucial role in shaping the future of the Alps. The Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention recognizes this key role by awarding outstanding master theses carried out on relevant alpine topics.

This edition of the Alpine Convention Young Academics Award focuses on the issue of “Emissions in the Alps: climate change and air quality, measurement and measures” and particularly on these related sub-topics:

  • Measuring emissions and their impacts in the Alps: data, indicators and scenarios;
  • Air quality management in the Alps: processes, techniques, solutions;
  • From local to global: governance of air pollution and climate change phenomena on different scales;
  • An Alpine approach to climate change: integrated adaptation and mitigation measures, including intelligent or nature-based solutions;
  • Communicating air quality and climate change adaptation and mitigation: from science to civil society.

All applicants must complete the application form and submit the required documentation by 30 June 2020.

You can read more here. 

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